Content | AF Remineralizer 250ml
Liquid mineralizer for RO water. It enriches the water with the minerals necessary for plants and aquarium inhabitants. Suitable for mineralizing RO, deionized, and distilled water. The complex formula contains easily absorbable calcium and magnesium, increasing the general hardness and carbonate hardness in the desirable ratio of 2:1. It contains all the minerals needed to keep freshwater fish and plants in a perfect condition. Maintains the correct ratio of calcium and magnesium. Helps preventing diseases caused by too low content of mineral ions in the water, protects fish against stress and osmotic shock. The liquid formula ensures easy use and instantly prepares water to use in the aquarium.
- Instantly mineralizes water
- Supports plant growth
- Sets perfect GH to KH ratio
1 ml per 3 liters of water and raises KH: 2, GH: 4. Shake well before use. Mix with water outside the aquarium. | 2HR Aquarist APT Pure
The 360o water conditioner.
Comprehensive and super-concentrated formula removes chlorine & chloramines and detoxifies heavy metals, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates.
Contains soothing Aloe Vera extract.
Dose 1ml per 60L
Dose up to 5X recommended dosage as an emergency tool to detoxify Ammonia.
The simple power of water change the 2hr way
One of the most powerful ways to improve tank performance is also the simplest: Regular water change in a mindful way.
It is practised in the largest world-class aquariums, and should be done even in a the smallest desktop tank. While a tank looks naturalistic, it is not naturally self-sustaining. Organic waste (much of which cannot be measured by hobbyist test kits) accumulates and not everything can be digested by the tank’s bio-filter.
Embrace the power: Change Water the 2Hr Way today.
The #1 algae trigger is decomposing organic matter. Remove all decaying leaves. Stem plants require replanting after pruning a few times. Unlike terrestrial hardwoods, older aquatic stems generally deteriorate over time. Remove and discard old stems and roots.
Instead of simply draining water, use a pipette or turkey baster to gently stir up detritus on the surface of plants and substrate. Take care not to stir up deeper levels of the substrate. Vacuum the detritus away while draining away around 40% of the tank’s water.
Add a comprehensive 360 water conditioner directly into the tank and refill, taking care not to stir up the deeper levels of substrate. If you are keeping sensitive livestock, pre-mix the water conditioner in a separate container before adding the conditioned water into the aquarium.
Tap water today
Industrial water chlorination dates back to the 1890s in Germany and the UK.
Today most urban tap water contains between 0.2ppm and 2ppm of Chlorine and Chloramines ( a more stable form of Chlorine).
This is high enough to kill water-borne diseases, but low enough for human consumption. However this level is sufficient to harm fish and destroy the beneficial bacteria in an aquarium.
Regular water change
It is worth the effort to change ~40% of the tank water regularly.
At least monthly for a slow growing, fully planted tank with a light fish load. More frequently for tanks with higher bio loads.
Regular water change helps keep algae at bay by removing organic waste that is not digested by microbial action (and not measurable by hobbyist test kits).
When performed the 2Hr Way, it significantly reduces the prime algae triggers of detritus and decaying matter. It also helps to remove algae spore
2Hr Aquarist APT Fix
The smarter way to treat algae.
Especially effective for BBA, hair/string/fuzz and most forms of filamentous algae.
Gently biodegrades completely.
Spot-dose up to 1ml per 10L every 24 hours.
An unfair advantage
While healthy plant mass is the #1 natural defence against algae, life is often unpredictable.
The filter or CO2 diffuser gets clogged. Grandpa overfeeds the fish. The auto-timer takes an unannounced holiday.
These shocks ( seemingly insignificant to us) weaken plants and give algae a window of opportunity to spawn.
APT Fix works to rebalance the system by targeting the fundamental weakness of algae- their comparatively less developed protective cell walls. When spot-dosed per the recommended dosage, it instantly arrests algae growth while allowing plants to recover.
This is an effective approach for removing algae on hardscape: wood and rocks. Avoid this method for plants.
This is our usual approach to treat algae on plants. To increase effectiveness, pause the filter before spot-dosing. And don’t forget to turn the filter back on! Avoid this method for treating algae on Mosses, Liverworts (Riccardia and Riccia etc.) and Vallisneria (Tape Grass).
No copper
Most algae treatments use compounds that contain Copper, which is a powerful biocide.
The problem is that copper, like other heavy metals, accumulate over time and do long term damage to the tank’s ecosystem.
APT Fix uses an active compound that biodegrades naturally within 24hours, with no nasty residues.
Dominant plant mass
The best natural defence against algae is a healthy dominant plant mass. Tanks with alot of exposed, un-planted areas are far more susceptible to algae, in the same way that fertile open fields invite weeds to grow.
Aim to have at least 70% of the substrate planted. Plants are like trees in a forest. With the right conditions, they naturally outcompete algae.
Top algae magnet
The top algae trigger is organic waste and decaying matter. Never over-stock a tank in its early months. Livestock waste contributes significantly to algae issues in new tanks (< 3 months old).
Regularly change water the 2Hr Way and remove old/ decaying leaves. Stem plants require replanting of the healthy tops after trimming once or twice. Old deteriorating stems invite algae to bloom.
The above shows the result of a single dose of APT Fix via spot-dose method. By Day 2, the inactive BBA would usually change color to red and/or white. These would either decompose, or serve as food for algae-eaters and other microorganisms. By Day 7, the leaf is now mostly free of algae.
The above shows the result of a single dose of APT Fix via the drain-dose method. By Day 2, the hair-algae has lost some of its green color. By Day 5, all the hair algae has been deactivated. You can remove it completely using a fine brush.
The 2Hr Way is a philosophy and proven technique to quickly and effectively master the planted aquarium. It is an increasingly popular way to achieve vibrant, enduring, algae free tanks without costly ‘trial and error’ or reliance on ‘black-box’ systems.
Nutrient rich, peat & clay based substrate base for aquascapes & planted aquariums.
AQUAFOREST Natural Substrate is a nutrient rich, peat and clay based substrate base for aquascapes and planted aquariums. Readily available micronutrients and plant food within it create a fertile, nature-like environment, ideal for long-time plant support and growth. AF Natural Substrate is well suited for the development of a healthy root system, and to help aquatic plants thrive. The peat and clay natural Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) will also absorb any excess nutrients from the water, and either make them available through the roots, or release them back into the water once it becomes depleted. Features and benefits: The carefully selected peat creates excellent conditions for the root system, and supplies plants with all the necessary minerals and trace elements. Clay improves the texture, and acts as the base, achieving excellent consistency. Similarly to peat – clay acts as a natural layer for storing excess nutrients, and maintaining biological balance in the tank. Micronutrient contents have been supplemented under laboratory supervision to make sure that aquatic plants have an abundance of trace elements, while the chemical balance of the tank stays in check.
AF Natural Substrate is rich in micro-nutrients, so for the first three months Aquaforest do not recommend the use of fertilizers containing micro-nutrients, unless the plants show visible signs of deficiency.
- Spread the substrate on the bottom of the tank and compact it to achieve approx. 2-2.5 cm thick layer.
- Cover with about 3cm of gravel or sand.
- Gently fill aquarium with about 15 cm of water. In order to avoid disturbing the substrate, we suggest placing a plate or dish on the bottom, and directing the stream of water on to it.
- Place the plants in the substrate.
- Fill the aquarium with water.
10 L of AF Natural Substrate should be sufficient for a 200 L aquarium with a 100 cm x 40 cm bottom. Substrate can lower and stabilize the pH of the water, therefore it is recommended to use a dedicated test or probe. | AF K Boost
Professional easily absorbable potassium fertilizer for aquatic plants. An important building block, potassium participates in many biochemical reactions, where it acts as an enzyme activator. Also responsible for osmotic regulation and transport of compounds in the plant.
Potassium deficiency is manifested by yellowing of edges and tops of the leaves, leading to necrosis in the later phase. Potassium concentration in the aquarium should be 10-20 mg/l. AF K Boost fully replenishes deficiencies of potassium, needed for aquatic plants.
The formula is very quickly absorbed by the plants, thus the effects are visible within a short time of the application.
Supplementing should be continued until satisfactory results are achieved. Recommended parallel use with AF Micro, AF PO4 Boost, and AF N Boost. Absorbents such as zeolite and/or carbon may reduce effectiveness of the formula.
1 ml in 10 l of aquarium water will raise levels:
K Potassium 3,8 mg/l |
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